A Savior Gone to the Dark Side

Fascinating analysis of Star Wars and how it relates to Christianity/Christian interpretation.

The Sacred in the Secular


Thanksgiving weekend, I curled up with Star Wars on Blu-Ray. It was the first time I have ever seen them all in a row, and had a chance to think through the over-reaching plot arc and dynamic. What I think of the prequels and originals as stand alones or part of a franchise is neither here nor there, but I kept mentally wandering back to Anakin and the symbolism around him, throughout.

I’m used to seeing religious symbolism in some form in entertainment, but Star Wars is weird. It embodies a broad, all-encompassing worldview that touches on many different philosophies and belief systems, but also has inverted Christian symbolism going on. And by that, I mean you can draw some interesting and unnerving parallels between Anakin and Jesus… had Jesus gone to the dark side. In doing so, it takes you even further into a somewhat sinister and fascinating contemplation…

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About tawnymartin

To be honest, I don't really like doing these things - I haven't done the one offered on Facebook either, because I believe - and I know - that it is so hard to try to show fully who a person really is into a little box, anyway, about me though: I am 19 going on 20, and I have a deep passion for books, stories, ideas, and spending time with my good friends, oft just sitting around not talking, just enjoying each other's company; and I love to read the classics of the past that are relevant even today, especially the Bible, which has drawn me back into it countless times, but only recently have I truly began to study and meditate *in* it, although the stories - the ahem, naughty stories - piqued my interest when I was very young, and I sincerely believe C.S.Lewis' statement that "what we want is not more little books on Christianity - but more little books by Christians on other subjects - with their Christianity latent." As an author, I hope to do just that - here and elsewhere.
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